Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 1

Day 1:

Arrival day was quickly underway when I arrived with Meghan and Amanda.  It was raining the whole ride there until we got to the main lodge awaiting for our boat ride across the lake.  One other person was in our group.  Her name was Kayla.  She came alone and we quickly welcomed her.  When we arrived onto the peninsula we headed straight to our "dorm" for the week.  There were three bedrooms with two bunk-beds in each room.  Two people could room while the other two could have their own room if they wanted.  We all looked at each other once we arrived to the rooms and quickly decided on room together in one room.  It was like having our very own slumber party!

We then met as a whole group on Huntington Camp for our orientation where we then headed off to lunch.  Dining was something that I am quite used to.  There is one meal and you were to help set up and clean up, including doing the dishes, before and after each meal.  After lunch, we watched a video that talked about the history of Raquette Lake and went on a hiking trip.  After the hiking trip we had time to ourselves to work on our project (up and coming details on this in later blog posts!), catch up on some reading, or take a nap.  I chose to take a nap (hey, it was a long day).

Next was dinner.  The same routine in place.  Set up, eat your meal, clean up.  After dinner we all met in the classroom again and talked about our pre-course essays that we had to write in relation to the Adirondack Mountains and how we would incorporate them into our professional philosophies and objectives.  We also talked a little about the book we were to read prior to coming for the week.  This book was called Adirondack Green by John Slade.  SUCH A GOOD READ, I STRONGLY SUGGEST IT! :)

After our class meeting we all met for a fire by the lake.  It was beautiful and a great way to end a great day!  I can honestly say that I am eager for the next adventures.  Stay tuned - more to come!!

Goodnight for now! Sleep tight........don't let the mouse bite????

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